Catalogue of the Oasis Museum, halls 17, 18 & 19:
Soil architecture
All traditional housing in the oasis is build using earth in two different ways:
Pisé for the master walls.
Sun-dried clay bricks for the internal walls, the arches, columns and decoration.
The external finish is a mixture of mud and straw.
The ceilings may be built with palm tree trunks, canes, tuia branches or oleander stems, sometimes placed in order to form an
ornamental design. These ceilings are supported on rafters made from palm trees, black poplar or tamarind, and they are covered also with earth.
1. Pisé

Pisé construction, Assif Melloul
Photo: Roger Mimó, 1992

Pisé construction, El Khorbat
Photos: Roger Mimó, 2002

Pisé formwork with its accessories
Origin: Tinerhir (Todra), 20th century. Ref. 572.

Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 573.
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 574. |
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 575/577. |
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 578. |
2. Adobes
Adobes fabrication, El Khorbat Photo: Roger Mimó, 2002

Mould to make adobes
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 579.

Adobes of ground and straw
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 580 i 581.

Adobe ornament frequent in the Ziz, Ferkla and Gheris valleys
Real wide reproduction

Adobe ornament frequent in the Dadčs and Mgoun valleys
Real wide reproduction
3. Ceilings

Tamaris wooden beam
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 582.

Palm tree wooden beam
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 583.

Tool for splitting the trunks of palm trees
Origin: Ferkla, 19th or 20th century. Ref. 584.

Ceiling made of palm wood
Real wide reproduction

Ceiling made of reeds
Real wide reproduction

Rosebay roof
Real wide reproduction

Ceiling made of palm stems
Real wide reproduction

Ceiling made of thuya wood
Real wide reproduction

Ceiling made of rocks
Real wide reproduction

Protection of the palm tree ceilings against vermin by argyle
Photos: Roger Mimó, 2002

Palm tree wood eaves
Real wide reproduction

Rocks wood eaves
Real wide reproduction

Reeds eaves
Real wide reproduction

Thuya wood eaves
Real wide reproduction
4. Drains

Ceramics drain
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 585 a 587.

Palm tree trunk drain
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 588.

Palm tree trunk gargoyle
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 589.

Ceramics gargoyle
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 590.

Lime gargoyle
Origin: El Khorbat, 19th century.

Lime gargoyle
Origin: El Khorbat, 19th century.
5. Doors and windows

Ksar El Khorbat (Ferkla)
Photo: Roger Mimó, 2005

Ksar El Khorbat (Ferkla)
Photo: Roger Mimó, 2005

Wooden window
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 951.

Wooden window
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 670.

Wooden window
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 592.

Tamaris wood room door
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 593

Walnut tree wood room door
Origin: Ighrem n'Ougloudal (Ouarzazate), 19th century. Ref. 594.

Palm tree wood larder door
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 595.

Walnut tree wood larder door
Origin: Ighrem n'Ougloudal (Ouarzazate), 19th century. Ref. 596.

Tamaris wood larder door
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 597.

Door hinge
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 598.

Door hinge
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 599.

Door hinge
Origin: Todra, 20th century. Ref. 600.

Door hinge
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 601.

Outer bolt
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 602.

Outer bolt turned on the contrary
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 603 a 605.

Outer bolt turned on the contrary
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 606/607

Pieces to bar the latch
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 608 a 614.

Support of the pieces that bar the latch
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 615.

Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 616 / Todra, 20th century. Ref. 617.

Inner bolt turned on the contrary
Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 618.

Iron lock
Origin: Todra, 20th century. Ref. 619.

Origin: Todra, 20th century. Ref. 620 a 622.
6. Equipments over the terrace

Terrace stairs
Traditional kitchen
This stairs and this kitchen were in the house occupied now by the Oasis Museum
Detail of the kilns:

Objects that are in this kitchen:

Pottery jar
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 623.

Cooper jar
Origin: Todra, 20th century. Ref. 624.

Pottery jar
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 625.

Origin: Ferkla, 19th century. Ref. 626.

Fire pump
Origin: Todra, 20th century. Ref. 628.

Cooper pot
Origin: Ferkla, 20th century. Ref. 627.
7. Gypsum ornament

Ref. 997.

Ref. 996.

Ref. 998.
Gypsum ornaments, Ksar El Maarka (Ziz valley), 17th century.
See other sections:
© Maison d’Hôtes El Khorbat s.a.r.l.
